Addiction counseling is probably something you have heard about here and there, but some people do not know what to expect, the benefits, who it is for, or how it helps. 

Join me, Jason T. Link, LPC, a licensed professional counselor specializing in addiction with more than 20 years of experience, as I break down everything you need to know about addiction counseling. 

No matter if you are struggling with drugs or alcohol yourself and are ready to get sober, are having difficulty maintaining sobriety, or have a loved one that may be in a difficult situation, this information can get you on the right track toward help. Let’s get started.

What is Addiction Counseling? 

Addiction counseling is mental health treatment and support for those with substance abuse disorder which is the recurrent use of drugs or alcohol causing impairment in physical health, mental health, or daily responsibilities. Substance abuse disorder is often colloquially referred to as ‘addiction’. 

With addiction counseling, a licensed substance abuse counselor acts as a resource to aid an individual with substance use disorder to achieve and maintain sobriety. 

How Does Addiction Counseling Help? 

Besides the physical symptoms and dependence drugs and alcohol create, those struggling with addiction carry a heavy mental burden. Individuals undergoing addiction recovery frequently have to navigate obstacles in everyday life that are triggers for relapsing. 

For instance, family, finances, career, and relationship struggles induce stress that causes recovering addicts to want to “get away” or “numb themselves” by using drugs or alcohol. 

These struggles are also more prevalent in the life of those in addiction recovery as their relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners are typically already strained from conflicts that may have occurred during active addiction. Many individuals dig themselves deep into debt and lose their job during active addiction, making financial and career struggles more prevalent as well. 

Addiction counseling gives those in recovery a safe outlet to process emotions, a way to learn healthy coping skills, and repair or build a support system. While there are medications that can help with the physical symptoms that come with the withdrawal stage of getting sober, addiction counseling aids with the mental and social battle during the initial stages and long-term addiction recovery to prevent relapse.

What To Expect With Addiction Counseling

So, what can you expect from working with an addiction counselor? 

Well, it will depend on your exact situation, needs, and involvement. Your experience with addiction counseling is what you make it. In order to be successful, recovering addicts must share and communicate their needs, struggles, and goals with their addiction counselor with honesty. 

However, in general, below are just a few of the things you can expect when you participate in addiction counseling. 

Individualized Plans and Strategies 

When you begin addiction counseling, you and your addiction counselor will develop a relapse prevention plan and begin implementing coping strategies for triggers, conflicts, and periods of mental health struggles. 

Any plans or strategies are customized to you so that they are effective and achievable. After all, addiction recovery is not a “one-size-fits-all” process, but rather every individual has their own journey.  

Referrals For Additional Resources

One of the hardest parts of getting help with anything is actually finding the help you need. Not only will your addiction counselor be an immense resource, but think of them as your point of contact for a vast network of other resources as well. 

If there is an aspect of your addiction recovery path that your addiction counselor cannot personally help you with, they can and will refer you to the right person or organization that can. 

For example, an individual may need assistance to pay rent before eviction. Though an addiction counselor cannot hand over money to help, they likely can refer you to an organization that assists people in financial need. 

Working With Your Support System

An addiction counselor is there for both you and the other members of your support system. Whether that means working with a physician that is treating the physical symptoms or providing couples counseling to help you mend your relationship, expect your addiction counselor to offer assistance in every area of your journey. 

A True Partner in Addiction Recovery

Ultimately, you can expect a true, loyal, long-term partner in recovery from an addiction counselor. They are there to be an understanding, non-judgemental, and knowledgeable pillar to lean on for the good days and bad.

Who Can Benefit from Addiction Counseling

Addiction counseling is typically recommended for those with diagnosed substance abuse disorder, though anyone struggling with alcohol or drug dependency can benefit. 

Even individuals who wouldn’t call themselves an “addict”, but are questioning their substance use or experiencing conflicts related to substance use can get clarity, information, resources, and assistance from addiction counseling. It is also a great resource for individuals who have been in recovery for a long time but are having difficulty maintaining sobriety. 

Reaching out to an addiction counselor is a great way for partners, friends, or family members concerned about substance abuse with a loved one to know their options or be connected to support as well.  

Get Professional Addiction Counseling Today

The road to addiction recovery is long and tumultuous, so it’s always a great idea to have someone in your corner. Reach out to me today and let’s talk about how we can work together to start or continue a healthy, happy life of sobriety.