Having people who understand our struggles on a deeper level is crucial to getting through the hard times. That is where group therapy can be immensely helpful. Since many people have only heard of group therapy or group counseling in passing, let’s dive into it more. 

Here’s what group therapy is, what to expect at your first session, the benefits it provides, and how to get started. 

What is Group Therapy? 

So group therapy, or group counseling, is a session in which a therapist or counselor leads a group of more than 2 people toward resolving their struggles. These groups often have the same troubles in common and reflect on each other’s experiences to find support, cope, and move forward.

Sometimes, if the group is large enough, there could be more than one therapist.

group therapy

Benefits of Group Counseling/Therapy

Why would people choose to participate in group counseling versus the traditional individual session? Well, it’s because group therapy provides unique benefits than those offered by individual counseling. 

For one, group counseling shows that you aren’t alone in your struggles and that there are others who can relate to the feelings you are having. 

Additionally, not only does your counselor or therapist provide an alternative perspective, but every person in your group therapy session can draw on their similar personal experience to give you multiple perspectives. 

Another benefit people love of group counseling is that the spotlight isn’t always on you. You can share as much or as little as you would like while still gaining a lot of insight just by listening.

What to Expect Your First Time at Group Therapy

Many people are nervous to participate in group counseling or group therapy because they simply don’t know what to expect. As a whole, we all typically avoid and don’t like the unexpected. So, let’s talk about what you can expect your first time at group counseling. 

First, the leading counselor or therapist will welcome everyone and possibly explain some ground rules or how things work with that particular group. Then, they will likely kick it off by suggesting a member to share. They also may offer an aspect to discuss that day. 

Then, members of the group will take turns sharing their thoughts, experiences, struggles, or questions. Others in the group can chime in to help them and the lead counselor can offer thought-provoking questions, coping strategies, and/or reassurance. 

The group therapy session will likely end with some final thoughts, possibly an affirmation, or a prayer depending on the type of group. 

How To Get Started with Group Therapy

Now that you know what to expect and why it can be beneficial, here’s how to get started with group counseling/therapy. 

Find a Group Near You

Of course, finding a group counseling session near you is the first step. You can often do this by searching “group therapy near me” or searching by your specific struggle. For instance, if you would like to participate in a group session for addiction, search “group counseling for addiction near me”. You can also check with the American Group Psychotherapy Association.

No matter what troubles you may need group support with, there is likely a session near you with others that have the same struggles. 

Schedule or Show Up

Next, depending on the session you have found, you’ll want to review the schedule and reserve a seat. Sometimes it’s on a walk-in basis, too. In this case, you’ll review the schedule and posted location and simply show up on the right day, time, and place. 

Get Involved

Once you arrive at a group session, the last thing to do is to get involved! Don’t be afraid to share, offer your own wisdom, and actively ponder the things you may learn. You may not want to jump right in, but be courageous because group sessions can only be beneficial if you participate. 

Group Therapy with Jason T. Link, LPC

If you are in Indiana, Pennsylvania, you’re in luck! I, Jason T. Link, LPC, am a counselor here in Indiana, PA offering several group therapy sessions. I focus on group sessions for those struggling with anxiety, depression, substance abuse, bipolar disorder, and anger management. 

Additionally, I offer small group counseling sessions that I call “brown bag sessions” where everyone can bring any issue to the table to problem-solve with fellow group members. You are not alone in your struggles. 

See how group counseling or therapy can be the best thing you have ever tried! Reach out today to learn more!